Castrol Edge Synthetic Engine Oil 5W30 (20 Litres) Store Pick Up Only

Quick Overview

6 bottles in a case, Full Synthetic engine oil, Store Pick Up Only.

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A premium fully synthetic motor oil designed to provide superior performance for the higher power and efficiency delivered by today’s engines. Castrol EDGE has a unique and proprietary formula that reduces volatility and provides superior protection for critical engine parts helping your vehicle operate efficiently at maximum power. Features: •Castrol's strongest synthetic oil •Fights power-robbing particles 42% better than conventional oil •Superior protection against corrosion versus conventional and synthetic blend oils •Better performance and protection in high and low temperatures than conventional oils •Meets or exceeds API standards SN, SM, SL, SJ, ACEA A1/B1, GM Dexos 1, Ford WSS-M2C930-A, Ford WSS-M2C153-H, Ford WSS-M2C945-A and Chrysler 6395, ILSAC GF-5/ GF-3 for certified gasoline engines •3 x 5 L
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